The Indian Beggar King Yogi Ramsuratkumar and the American Master and Poet Lee Lozowick

Hohm Press

Pages: 992 pages
Size: Hardbound, 8.5 X 11 inches
ISBN: 978-1-890772-84-0

The author summarizes this book by calling it “a contemporary spiritual epic on the magic and mystery of the traditional Guru-devotee relationship.” Father and Son chronicles the twenty-six years (1976-2001) during which Lee Lozowick visited with and participated in the life and work of his Master, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, the beggar saint of Tiruvannamalai, South India. It also traces the development of Lee Lozowick’s growing community and work with students and devotees in the U.S. and Europe. Fedorschak interviewed Lee Lozowick extensively, and catalogues his answers to scores of questions about this unique and transformational relationship.

Please click here to read the FREE book: YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR, The Godchild of Tiruvannamalai by Truman Caylor Wadlington

Father and Son