Announcement for friends and associates of John Renesch

The Next Generation Indie Books Awards has named The Great Growing Up: Being Responsible for Humanity’s Future the 2013 Grand Prize Winner for non-fiction. The Award will be presented to the author, John Renesch, at a gala dinner on the evening of May 29th at The Harvard Club in New York City.

John Renesch is a businessman-turned-futurist living in San Francisco, an advisor, mentor and prolific writer on matters of leadership, organizational and social transformation, and the future.

Renesch has over four decades of experience as a business owner and entrepreneur. He’s founded or co-founded a variety of companies, starting when he was eighteen years old. In the mid-1980s, after a period of deep personal introspection prompted by his call to work on matters of global importance, he left his chief executive position in the investment industry and embarked upon a new path.

From 1990 to 1997, he served as publisher and Editor-in-Chief of New Leaders Press, dedicated to publishing progressive business books and the periodical The New Leaders. In this role he oversaw the creation of twelve business anthologies on the subject of business and organizational transformation, which included the writings of over 300 visionaries. Among these visionaries were global leadership expert Warren Bennis, Gary Zukav (author, The Seat of the Soul ), One Minute Manager / Who Moved My Cheese creator Ken Blanchard, Riane Eisler (author, The Chalice and the Blade), M. Scott Peck, MD (author, The Road Less Traveled), The Body Shop founder Anita Roddick, former Herman Miller CEO Max DePree, television genius Norman Lear, Harvard University’s Rosabeth Moss Kanter, management guru Tom Peters, Megatrends series creators John Naisbitt and Patricia Aburdene, Stanford Business School Professor Michael Ray, and former USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev.

Renesch is now an independent global futurist, humanitarian, mentor/advisor, writer and keynote speaker on topics that integrate the subjects of work, human consciousness and positive scenarios for the future of humanity. He has also become a social activist, an advocate of social and organizational transformation and provocateur of a global awakening of the latent potentialities of the human race.

Prior to writing this book, he published thirteen books, including a novel, and hundreds of articles in futures journals, newspapers and magazines from around the world. His most recent book before this one was Getting to the Better Future: A Matter of Conscious Choosing. He publishes a free monthly newsletter called The Mini-Keynote. Here are some sample comments on his writings:

“Effectively captures a spiritual renaissance taking place in the business world today.”
—Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
“This perspective will be vital.”
—Fritjof Capra, author, The Tao of Physics, and The Turning Point
“Don’t skip this book.”
—Entrepreneur Magazine
“John’s book argues powerfully for business to play a leadership role in the transformation of our planet. It is an argument I can’t resist.
—Neale Donald Walsch, author, Conversations With God

As a keynote speaker, Renesch has presented to audiences in Tokyo, Seoul, Brussels, London, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, Zurich, Amsterdam, Port-of-Spain, Caracas, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Budapest and many cities throughout the Unites States and Canada. Here are some comments from his audiences:

Ruth Otte, President, The Discovery Channel:
“John Renesch eloquently illuminates a fresh, thoughtful, hopeful path.”
Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California:
“John is a wise elder who shines with wisdom.”
Rosa Alegria, Delegate, Ethos Institute 2006 Annual Conference (Brazil):
“John enlightened the audience with his positive and healing message…one of the most remarkable moments of the four days.”
Carol Holding, Member, The Commonwealth Club of California:
“John Renesch’s address to our club…was timely and provocative. He makes you think!”
Perry Pascarella, Editor-in-Chief, Industry Week magazine:
“John Renesch is a true visionary who sees the potential to rise above our failings and take the next step in human evolution before our system collapses.”
Vitor Morgensztern, board member, World Business Academy, Brazil:
“John addressed our “Meeting of Presidents”…and it couldn’t have gone better. His clearness, perception and good humor enchanted and illuminated our invited members.”
Michael Ray, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University School of Business, author:
“John Renesch is a beacon lighting the path of the new paradigm in business.”

Renesch offers private mentoring and coaching services to leaders, senior consultants and organizational executives from both the private and public sectors. He has been on retainer by several international organizations on a project basis. He is a member of the practitioner faculty for the Center for Leadership Studies, past member and project advisor of the World Future Society, current member and Inaugural Board Chair of the Shaping Tomorrow’s Foresight Network, member of the NewVoice of Business and Institute of Noetic Sciences and a founding Fellow of the international consortium The Global Collaborators’ Alliance.

Renesch has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Forbes (both Brazil and U.S.), The Nikkei Financial Times (Japan), Business Week, public radio’s “Marketplace,” CNBC-TV’s Ron Insana on “Management Today Show,” National Public Radio, Chief Executive and Industry Week magazines on the subject of consciousness and business. The Futurist magazine calls him a “business visionary.”

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