David R. Card
David R. Card is a certified nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Utah. He has been involved in the health and nutrition industry since 1980. Over the last twenty-five years he has graduated as a certified homeopath from the Hahnemann Academy of North America, under the direction of Dr. Robin Murphy, N.D., and has completed his first degree in herbology from the School of Natural Healing.
Dave is a native of Alberta, Canada, growing up in a family with all boys. He now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is surrounded by women with his beautiful wife, Teresa, and their two daughters.
Dave is currently working on other books, including Seven Symbols of Healing and Testing. He has worked with thousands of clients using kinesiology and his expertise to help better their lives. He continues to research and study, sharing new information with students in his many classes and seminars on natural healing and homeopathy. Dave teaches both in his stores and in local colleges and schools. He is available for classes and seminars, and can be contacted at (801) 483-9024 (USA).
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